Meet the team #8

Meet the team #8

Kalani is a small team of motivated people who believe that changing things and ways of producing and consuming is possible. So who are the people working to make this project possible? Our “Meet the team #8”, is dedicated to Pauline & Alexandre.

2 super trainees, involved, available, with a thirst for learning, conscientious who have been of more than a precious help during more than 3 months.

The adventure is gradually coming to an end, and we could not miss Pauline and Alexandre’s presentation. Pauline, marketing intern and Alexandre, e-business intern. Together they form a great team and their contribution during these 3 months has been a real pleasure.

… back to these 3 intense months:

1. Why did you choose to do your internship at Kalani?

Pauline: For my first professional experience in the world of marketing, I was particularly interested in working for a textile company with great values. I also wanted to discover the world of e-commerce, which is attracting my attention more and more. And then I wanted to work in a small company, more appropriate to my current wishes. When I discovered Kalani’s existence, I quickly realized that I was not going to find a company that could better suit me!

Alexandre: During the prospecting of the internship, I naturally moved to a small structure. Above all, I wanted to discover the different facets of life in a company and not to remain confined to a department. In addition, I wanted to work in an environment that shared my values, respect for people and nature.

2. What kind of experience do you get out of it?

Pauline: Thanks to my internship, I was able to discover internally how an e-commerce start-up works. I was also able to have a first approach in the textile field that interests me particularly. Above all, I was able to put my marketing knowledge into practice in concrete and varied projects throughout my internship period. And I obviously cannot answer this question without mentioning Bruno who played a major role in the richness of this internship thanks to his sharing of experience, his wise advice, and his way of working and helping us.

Alexandre: Above all, it gives me a wonderful human experience. Bruno is a very sincere person in his approach with Kalani and I can say that it is an element that motivated me to get up every day and give my all. Working at Kalani allowed me to open myself to the world of ethical and responsible consumption, which today should be everyone’s priority.

3. What was your favourite part of the internship?

Pauline: The photoshoot. For a trainee who is eager to learn, experiences that come out of everyday life are always welcome. Having the opportunity to actively participate in a photo shoot is a bit like the cherry on the cake.

Alexandre: As a photography enthusiast myself, photo shooting was naturally one of the moments that seduced me the most. The preparation of a shooting requires a lot of work, both upstream and downstream. First of all, there is a whole mood visual search to do, then of course you have to go hunt down all the objects and furniture that will be used, find the location, the models, etc. The day of the shooting we get up early, we have to unload everything, install, change the sets, manage the models and finally take everything apart. Fortunately, Audrey has a great experience in photoshoots and has coordinated all this with great success! So for me, who loves to touch everything, it was a very rewarding experience.

4. What are your plans for the future?

Pauline: I plan to move abroad, find a job in marketing and do a master’s degree in parallel. It is a model that is commonly found abroad, which will allow me to develop my marketing and language skills at the same time.

Alexandre: For the moment I still have a little trouble projecting myself, so I have some short-term ideas. I have been working as a volunteer for 7 years for an NGO supporting a school and mobility centre in Kenya, and I have the opportunity to return next year to develop several websites. In addition, next summer we will climb Kilimanjaro for the second time to raise funds.

5. What are your favourite Kalani sheets? And why ?

Pauline: Hesitant between cotton satin or percale, I finally preferred an all-white set made of cotton sateen, a timeless set so comfortable.

Alexandre: I was immediately attracted to cotton sateen, which is both soft and light. In addition, you can customize your set with different colours, which offers great possibilities. My favourite combination is a duvet cover in anthracite cotton sateen and pillowcases in Kalani Blue.

6. If you had to describe Kalani in one word, which one would it be?

Pauline : Respect

Alexandre : Human

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