Sleep Tipzzz #2 : 5 plants that will help you sleep like a rose

Sleep Tipzzz #2 : 5 plants that will help you sleep like a rose

Often decried for their bad influences in bedrooms, plants, well chosen for their air-cleansing properties or their anti-stress role, make their comeback for the greatest happiness of fans of nature, Green and deco!

We go for :

Mint to evacuate tensions and stress of the day.
The cactus as a depolluting plant and to restore energy
African violets … for colour and to get rid of the air of pollutants.
The lavender that refreshes by its perfume, for its calming virtues that will help you to fall asleep
Aloe Vera, a little demanding plant, graphic by its simple look and especially a pharmacy all by itself. It lutes, among others, against mites and protects you from electromagnetic waves.

What are you waiting to put some green in your bedroom ?

Have beautiful nights.

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