What are the advantages of warm & natural colours in a bedroom?

What are the advantages of warm & natural colours in a bedroom?

Creating a special atmosphere in a bedroom is not just a matter of choosing furniture – whether modern, designer, second-hand or new – and textiles that match the chosen decorative scheme. You also need to think about your colour palette. The perception of colours goes beyond the physical experience, and we tend to underestimate the power they can exert over our feelings. In this article, we explore warm and natural colours (beiges) and why they’re a good choice if you want to create a cosy welcome in a bedroom.

The psychology of colours and their meaning

When visual stimulus reach our brain, particularly our hypothalamus, which governs our sleep cycles and behaviour, an emotional response is generated. It is this emotional dimension that the psychology of colour explores. This discipline analyses how nuances and design styles affect our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Some colours trigger positive emotions, others negative ones. For example, black can evoke emptiness, sadness and danger. It’s also worth pointing out that saturation levels can have stimulating or relaxing effects. To make the bedroom a soothing place, it’s important to choose the right colours. Obviously, this information should be taken with caution, as everyone is different and reacts differently. Some people sleep wonderfully well on very dark-coloured sheets. It’s also a question of the general atmosphere in the bedroom.

What about warm, naturally soft colours such as Terracotta, Natural, Sand, Taupe and Ivory?

Warm colours in the bedroom? A good idea! They create a warm, welcoming, relaxing and aesthetically cool atmosphere. So they’re ideal for a bedroom where you’re looking for comfort and a feeling of ultimate rest and relaxation…

What’s more, warm colours help stimulate positive emotions, creating an atmosphere conducive to good humour and emotional well-being.

Natural colours in a bedroom? Also a good idea! They create an environment in which colourful decorative elements or textiles can be used, giving the room visual harmony. For example, a wall in a natural colour, such as light beige or warm white, allows you to combine decorative elements in a variety of colours. Conversely, decorating objects in neutral tones, or textiles in natural tones, will allow you to choose walls in stronger colours. For example: terracotta, green, blue… You get the idea. 😉

Our colour recommendations

To visualise these ideas… In a bedroom with predominantly natural tones (beige), Kalani’s Terracotta cotton sateen bed linen will create a warm, even Mediterranean atmosphere, and add an earthy note, creating a soft… and stylish atmosphere.

If, on the other hand, your bedroom has strong decorative elements or colourful walls, we recommend that you use soft, natural shades for your bed linen (Natural, Sand, Ivory, Taupe). This will bring harmony and softness to your bedroom.


Beyond aesthetics

Choosing warm colours to decorate your bedroom goes beyond simple aesthetics. These shades offer a unique opportunity to create a welcoming atmosphere, stimulate positive emotions and promote restful sleep. Whether you opt for deep, rich tones or softer shades, the judicious use of warm colours can transform your bedroom into a truly cosy refuge, tailored to your personal tastes and needs!


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