Meet the team #5

Meet the team #5

Kalani is a small team of motivated people who believe that changing things and ways of producing and consuming is possible. So who are the people working to make this project possible? Our “Meet the team #5”, is dedicated to Nico & Julien

A team of professional photographers who do not lack humour! In that case, Nico is in charge and Julien is assisting him! A funny duo of shock (but no charm anyway… although ! They look good on the other side of the camera ;)))…

Nico & Julien did not arrive completely by chance in the story. In previous experiences, I had the opportunity to work with them for a few years. And when a team works well together, of course, we continue on new projects!
A photoshoot at Kalani is several days of preparation and 2 full days starting early in the morning and ending late at night. It’s a team of 5 to 7 people (not counting models). It’ss therefore an opportunity to see all each other in conditions that are sometimes a little stressful! That said, with these two, you never get bored! A little joke here, another one there… and then, in the end, we don’t even count the hours we spend working… Because in fact, we have a good time too!

Who are Nico & Julien? Here is their interview!

1. So as a photographer, what do you like most about the Kalani brand?

Nico: The exchange of ideas, working with friends
Julien: Undoubtedly the fact that everyone can give his/her opinion in the composition of the images, there’s a main idea dictated by the brand of course but everyone is free to express their ideas to build the best possible visual, as an assistant, I must admit that it is very rare to have this privilege to be able to share ideas.

How is a photoshoot at Kalani’s (on the photographer’s side)…?

Nico: Quite easy & smooth because everything is well prepared beforehand. It’s a perpetual race against time because we try to shoot as many as possible in as many variants as possible but in the end, I don’t know how, we get there…

Julien: Everything always goes very well, busy days but always in a good spirit, good mood and good results.

3. Do you have an anecdote to tell us

Tous les 2 : mmmmmh… not really.
(sauf Audrey qui dit qu’il y aura 20 photos et qu’on se retrouve avec 40 à la fin… parce qu’en fait, comme on peut tous donner notre avis,… on fait toujours beaucoup plus que prévu). except Audrey who says there will be 20 photos and we end up with 40… because in fact, as we can all give our opinion,… we always do a lot more than expected). Uh… have we already talked about shooting moves? 1 van and 2 cars filled with deco equipment, products, plants of all kinds… We are also kind of “movers” too!

4. What do you like most about Kalani, the project, the team, the products…?

Nico: I would say all three: a solid project, quality products, all carried out by a team that is 100% committed.

Julien: I think Kalani’s strong point comes from its fairtrade, organic etc. products that follow the current movements towards a more respected planet

5. How do you see the brand in a few years’ time?

Nico: I see it present in the majority of hotels, B&B, guest houses and private individuals who have realized that responsible consumption applies to both textiles and food.

Julien: I think the brand will continue to evolve, offering more colours, while maintaining the quality of the products we know.

6. What are your favorite sheets?

Nico: Premium Jersey bedsheets are crazy comfy. Guess what! I’m on it right now, it’s become my office.

Julien: My favorite sheets are probably the stone grey sateen bedsheets for the comfort they provide, not to mention the more masculine look.

7. if you had to describe Kalani in 1 word… it would be?
Nico: Trust

Julien: Nature

Needless to say that we are looking forward to the next photoshoot !

More info on their work : 

Nicolas Velter :

Julien Simon :

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