Meet the team #3

Meet the team #3

Kalani is a small team of motivated people who believe that changing things and ways of producing and consuming is possible.
So who are the people working to make this project possible? For our third “Meet the team”, we present you, Audrey, Creative Communication Freelancer (Pink is Grey).

Audrey, who has been part of the Kalani team since the very beginning of the adventure, is a little pearl of communication. Sparkling, smiling, dynamic, multi-tasking and versatile.

And when I say polyvalent, I don’t mince my words, in simple… she knows almost everything in the sphere of communication: strategic plans, visual identity development, perfect planning, webdesign, blog, copywriting, event organization, organization and creative direction of photo/video shooting, community management, e-mailing, paper communication and even graphics. I certainly forget some things, but it is already impressive.

For some time she has dedicated her career and energy to developing communication for sustainable and human-sized entrepreneurial projects. Because she know the human being, she has a sixth sense coupled with an emotional intelligence that makes her what she is: creative, organized, she captures the essence of the project from the start, always finds solutions and respects deadlines. So if you need a little help in your business, do not hesitate to contact her, but in a reasonable way because we also need her a lot 🙂

For this « meet the team », I asked her a few questions. It is also an opportunity to provide feedback after 2 years of collaboration… already!

Small remark before we start :

It’s a bit special for me to answer questions, whereas most of the time, I write the articles…, Normally, I act rather in the shadows, but I’ll lend myself to the game (initiated by myself anyway).

1. What do you like most about the Kalani project?

What I like most about the Kalani project is that it is not just a brand of bed linen. It’s a human project, with real values behind it. Not a marketing concept that you surf on because it looks good. It is not a question of everything being beautiful, perfect (we still like everything to be as perfect as possible), but of everything being done in the most sustainable way possible. That all along the chain, the people working on the project are paid fairly, that the materials used are ecological and therefore promote a better tomorrow. Let’t do our best every day.

What I like even more is working with you, Bruno, passionate, committed, always fair, full of compassion and ideas, to make this world a little better. It’s been more or less 2 years with Kalani, but more than 10 years as colleagues where passion and commitment only grow every day. It’s a real happiness!

2. What was the best experience for you working on Kalani’s communication?

The “carte blanche” ! I feel free to do my job the way I like it, and to do what I love. I learn new things every day. It is also thanks to Kalani that I decided to quit my job and start working as a freelancer. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I was convinced it was the right thing to do. I decided to work and put my communication skills for startups, conscious business and companies with ethical values, sustainable development with behind human projects. More or less 2 years later, I’m even more sure I made the right choice!

I don’t know if I can say that there is a better experience on Kalani’s communication. Clearly, what I like most is organizing photo shootings, putting in images, in colors, what we want to express for the brand.

But what I like even more are the challenges that communication can represent, the questions, the flexibility, the fact that nothing is ever acquired. With Kalani, it’s even a little more than just communication. It is also about educating people about the values of sustainable development. And I admit it’s hard sometimes. How to really reach the public, how to make this change happen. But little by little, thanks to a lot of work, and especially exchanges with Bruno, we get there. Not as fast as we’d like, but little by little, it’s getting less small.

3. Do you have an anecdote about Kalani that you would like to share?

An anecdote… I don’t know if you can call it that… But I remember when we were looking for the name. Olalala the headache. Numerous Brainstorming e-mails, breakfasts at 2, at 3, each one on his side. With every idea, there was always something wrong. Either the domain name was taken, or a name too similar already existed… too long, too short, too difficult, too easy,… and finally, Fabienne (Bruno’s wife) who by reading a book, falls on this Polynesian first name which means paradise… I think it was the prettiest coincidence… no more non-ending lists, no more long e-mails for the name. Name, which seems so obvious today.

4. How do you imagine Kalani in 10 years?

First of all, a small, solid team committed to a project rather than a brand. From startup to SME. An increasingly active community. A brand recognized in Europe (and beyond ! why not). Timeless products and a recycling program for used sheets to reuse the material. New colours, new products always in the same perspective. A human company with values, like today, but even more deeply rooted.

5. What are your favorite Kalani bed sheets? And why?

So, I have the bad habit of sometimes having trouble making choices… So, I work with 4 sets of Kalani bed linen (I’m a lucky girl, I confess)… Le percale. The percale for the summer, it’s fresh and I like the style a little crumpled (I don’t iron anything, therefore, it suits me;)). The satin for the soft side and for all seasons. I have the version in Snow White and Soft Pink (the soft pink not too often, because the lover prefers the white, let’s say that). But I alternate satin with the other sheets all year round. And finally, as a very skittish person that I am… The premium jersey for late autumn nights and during winter. I love getting into bed and getting warm already. Little thing I do too. I use the pillowcases to change the “decoration” of the bed.

6. If you had to describe Kalani in one word, which one would it be?


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