« Slow Living » of je tijd nemen om trager te leven

« Slow Living » of je tijd nemen om trager te leven

First of all, we wanted to wish you a wonderful year 2020, we wanted to thank you for your loyalty and especially to help us gradually move towards a softer, more respectful world… and in 2020 more “Slow”.

Because, driven by this consumerist and super-demanding way of life, we are running after time. As soon as we wake up, we are propelled by our activities which, for some, only stop in the evening, in our cosy bed (I tell myself that it is the best time of the day!). Everything goes fast and everything must go fast.

This prevents us from refocusing on the true values of life. Is that really what we want? Do we have to live distracted and stressed and not take the time to stop and take a breath?

slow living

We are not the first to ask ourselves these questions. In 2005, Carl Honoré wrote a book entitled “l’éloge de la slogue. What if you slow down? ” (french link and criticism here), highlighting the SLOW MOVEMENT that appeared in the 1980s as a reaction to fast living (including fast food and fast fashion). This movement proposes to slow down the pace, to live at one’s own speed, to prioritize quality over the quantity of tasks to be done, and to return to a more natural way of life.

SLOW, in this case, would also be the acronym for Sustainable, Local, Organic & Whole. And we also find this word under different variations: slow food, slow travel, slow fashion or simply slow living.

“Slowing down at the right time can bring more pleasure and meaning to your life”

Why don’t we get started? Starting a journey towards slow living might seem complicated and yet… Starting slowly, by listing our priorities – with a few small eco-responsible and local actions for example, we could already evolve towards a better way of operating.

  • I make my cleaning products myself (see our article How to wash your bed linen in an ecological way)
  • I prefer local producers, local shops andlocal small e-shops
  • I cook myself and I enjoy this moment
  • I reduce my amount of plastic by using soap bars or shampoo and buy in bulk
  • I use reusable wipes to remove makeup
  • I buy durable clothing or organic bed linen
  • Take advantage of your free time to do more authentic activities (talking, reading,…)

By deciding to integrate slow living into our daily lives, we allow ourselves to open up to new perspectives and discover the world in a new way. Do my actions have an impact on the environment? What will I leave to my children? So there is only one way to answer these questions, and that is to get started!

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